Venice Beach Loves Riley
Discovering Free Use Can Be Fun

SERIES: The Hitchhiker (Book 1)
A GK Grayson Free Use Hitchhiking Story
Riley was bored with school. A visit to California seemed just the answer. She had saved up enough to pay for a portion of the trip but did not want to drive her beat-up old car, and planes were still a little out of her reach without having to ask her parents for some cash. A hitch down the coast would be easy.
But Riley arrives on the Beach, she meets three roommates that introduce her to a new world of pleasure. Billie, who introduces her to a style of play she had never experienced. Mateo, who is willing to do anything to feed her growing need for more. And Bako, who discovers her real desireā¦ to be taken in any way they want. And what Bako wants, Bako gets.
Join Riley as she hitchhikes her way to pleasure, in Venice Beach Loves Riley: Discovering FreeUse Can Be Fun, the first of a 3-book chronicle of her hitchhiking adventures.